HVAC Technical Service Specialist
HVAC Tech Line Support, Authorized Service Center Administrator
Joined Style Crest in 2009
Related Experience
Over 30 years combined experience in the following areas: Electronics and refrigeration; HVAC and appliances; Engineering lab tech for a major HVAC manufacturer. NATE certified with field experience in both install and service.
How would you characterize your relationship with your customers?
Excellent, each day can present new challenges and you develop a mutual respect for one another.
Outside of work, what are your favorite activities?
Spending time with my wife and our three boys. Attending their sports and the other activities they are involved in. Walks with my wife and our dogs. Big fan of all Cleveland sports, the outdoors and fishing when I get the chance.
A successful encounter with a customer includes…
A friendly greeting, being a good listener and offering very detailed and informative responses or solutions to assist them with their needs.
The best advice I ever received was…
Do the small things well each day and they will add up to bigger and better things.
If I were a professional athlete, this is the sport I’d like to be the best at.